Coursebooks and materials - Best Use of the Coursebook
So how do we actually make Best use of the course book? Well, just a couple of factors that you need to keep into consideration when using these types of material, use the course book to help you create a balanced lesson in terms of the range of skills that are being taught and the actual types of material within that the grammar or vocabulary. Secondly, don't use it all the time, particularly with things like activities, we can create our own materials and we can tailor those materials much more specifically to the actual class that we're teaching. As very often the actual creations in the book are very general, we can make our own materials much more specific. The third thing you need to be aware of is that you can't always rely 100% on the information that's presented in those books, both in terms of accuracy, though there are very often mistakes and, secondly, the way in which the information is presented may not be the best way for your students to understand it. So you may need to actually change the way that the books present the material to make it more understandable for your students themselves. Finally, it's very important that you actually match the material that's given in the book to your particular students? needs. Within any particular lesson they may have an equal focus on various types of skill and information but your students may need more work in one particular area than that book actually presents. So don't rely just on the information given in the book. Think about what your students need. What do I need to add to it? What should I take away and so on and so forth? So for different possible approaches to using the course books may be to omit, to replace, to supplement or to adapt. With omit basically what we mean is that we leave out selected parts of the material presented in the book, either a single part of a lesson or indeed a whole lesson or maybe even two or three lessons in a row. So we omit certain parts of the book. We can replace material within the book with what we think is more suitable material. We can supplement additional material into what's already given in the book. So in areas where we think our students need more help we can add additional material as appropriate and we can adapt. So sometimes we would perhaps like to use our own style of materials based on the information that's given in the course book rather than the course book materials themselves.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
He must be able to inspire confidence in the students and establish rapport between him and the students for successful learning proces.
Eye contact, gesture and voice are useful tools to engage the students and convey the meaning of languag.
For example, teacher using eye contact in a proper way is able to show the students that they are involved in the class, hold their attention or maintain the discipline when require.
Options of grouping students mostly depend on the size of the class and type of activity, however to ensure high student talking time and active participation a fair amount of time of group and pair work should be use.
The way in which position of students and teacher is being arranged depends not only on the available space in the classroom but also on the age, personality and nationality of the student.
Even if teacher has an authority to move the students in a firm and polite way it still should not be done without reaso.
There are different forms of seating such as traditional orderly rows, circles or horseshoes and separate table.
Teacher's position allows students to see what is his role, what kind of activity it is and what are they expected to d.
Teacher's position and movement usually depends on the different stages during lesso.
Balance of student talking time and teacher talking time usually depends on the type of activity and level of the students but teacher must ensure to reduce unnecessary teacher talking time during the lesso.
When giving instructions he must hold the attention of students, be consistent, use simple language and visual clues and make sure to check that students understood the instruction.
Establishing rapport between the teacher and students including between the students themselves is the key element of a successful and enjoyable work in the class since relaxed atmosphere encourages students to participate mor.
Teacher also must be able to maintain the discipline in the classroom and prevent the problem behavio.
Ideally he would stop the problem from arising yet if it still arises he should remain calm but act immediately not to let the problem worse.